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Our Story

Where the Web Began...

From the early 1990's when the internet first became available to the general public, the use has morphed from AOL (You've Got Mail) to Intranet (inside a company only) to early eCommerce in the 2000's before Amazon and other companies even existed as they do today.  Now fast forward two decades and internet access is available everywhere from your watch to your phone to your computer.

Now is the time to start to learn the skills that will keep you relevant, focused and contributing to the next phase of "web-based" solutions.

Teaching the skills of web development & design is no trivial task.  Here I combine 3 decades of experience with innovative techniques and continually evolving how-tos to do things differently, better, faster, and sometimes in ways they have never been done before...

...but then again, isn't that what got us here today?

Check out the courses, lessons and tutorials coming in 2025 below!

About Me - Why me?


With 30+ years of information technology experience, I have the hands-on knowledge that merges together with creative techniques to bring relevant, fast and direct skill development to you via the very platform where it all began, the Web or WWW (World Wide Web).   

Also, I have redesigned curriculum for Universities and the ACE (American Council for Education) so you can rest assured the skills you gain will be relevant and transferable as you build your skillset & career.  I started this platform to bring this to more people outside the classroom to be used globally with available tools & technologies.

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what Ms. WebWizard Offers

Focused Approach


Direct Topic Approach

Meaningful & Task Related 


Tips & Tricks

Specific Topics & Areas of Interest

Focused & Key Goals

Integrated Fun

Lessons & Tutorials

How-Tos & Learn New Skills

Quick & Relevant

Videos in 2025
Internet users worldwide
Billion Internet Users

Course Overviews

This course is a great place to get a sampling of everything web development & design.  A small taste of what is important to help guide your next focus point.  Where to start?  Here! 

Wizardly Magic Course Avail in 2025

This lesson covers WordPress basics needed to get a simple website off the ground, and is perfect for those looking to get started with a solid foundation on a platform that is robust. 

WordPress - What is it? Lesson Avail in 2025

This tutorial covering media for the web, both photos and videos is a perfect way to figure out how this fits into your website..  If most of your users are on smartphones, this is a must-watch! 

Fast & Amazing Impact Tutorial Avail in 2025
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